
Simply Signing

PictureShameless plug alert!!

As you know (or maybe you don’t, but you should) I recently completed my A.A.S. in Sign Language Interpreting and am working towards certification.  I have been studying many different topics in preparation for the test, and I’m beginning to get a better understanding of what is required for the certification exam.  I am also longing for someone else to sign with.  Not having a signing community of my classmates, the only opportunity that I really have to sign is while interpreting Sunday’s worship service.

To squelch my longing for a signing partner, I’ve been considering different options of how to rectify the situation.  For some time I have been considering teaching classes in my community to parents and their children because of the many benefits it has on early communication and learning (see the list below), but I’m beginning to think that starting with adults in my community may be a better avenue.  This is because once the adults become involved in learning the language, they will be available to help to reinforce the proper method of utilizing signs in everyday life with their children, if they so choose.

That said, I am working on developing a program to teach an adults only class (homework assignments include watching episodes of ABC Family’s Switched at Birth– does that pique your interest?) and am looking forward to the opportunity to share with others in my community.  I am also looking to find the best location to hold these classes, so if you or anyone you know may have the perfect location (for free or a low cost) for a small group to hold classes, please shoot me an e-mail!

What can I expect from an adult only class?

PictureFill out the survey below!

This is not going to be your run-of-the-mill college level course… 

  • Sessions are held once a week for 1 hour & 15 minutes, for 8 weeks.
  • Class instruction and activities – 1 hour
  • Question & Answers – 15 minutes
  • Individual goals will be set at the beginning of the course.  Through your participation in in-class & out-of class assignments, you will determine your level of success.  An evaluation provided at the finish of the course will determine if the goal was met & what areas require further practice.
  • Out of class assignments will be given, that will aid in learning class content.  These will not be graded, but checked for accuracy.
  • Class time will broken up into periods of “voice-on”, verbal communication and periods of “voice-off”, non-verbal communication, where you will only be able to use your hands/bodies to communicate.
  • The last class session will be a class “outing”, where skills learned in the classroom will be put to use in practical, everyday situations. 

Cost for 8-weekly sessions:

  • Per Student: $100.00
  • Includes: Take-home resource book with class materials
  • Email Bree for more details

15 Reasons to Learn American Sign Language

  1. Easily communicate underwater.
  2. You can talk when your mouth is full!
  3. Understand and help end Audism (the notion that one is superior based on ability to hear).
  4. Have the ability to speak and be understood through a closed window.
  5. Signing with your child can encourage verbal communication earlier than typically developed.
  6. Talk across a crowded room without yelling.
  7. Quietly chat at the movies without being rude.
  8. Count to ten and higher one just ONE hand!
  9. Allows children to communicate their desires and fears earlier and helps to eliminate tantrums!
  10. It’s a 3D language (3D glasses not needed)!
  11. Satisfy your Foreign Language requirement.
  12. It’s never be too loud or too quiet to sign.
  13. Learn a language that’s unique, visual, spatial and gestural.
  14. Get to know people in the Deaf Community.
  15. Learning ASL has been known to raise a child’s I.Q. by 8 to 13 points!

Sources: The ASLClassroom

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  1. I took an ASL class in college. I loved it and would love to learn more I just don’t know if my schedule allows.

    1. Hi Nicole! I’d love for you to be able to join my classes. Right now I’m just gathering some initial information to determine the interest in the area and will be sending out more details to those who are interested before the end of the month. Hopefully we’ll be able to set up a time that will work with your schedule!

  2. Hi Bree!
    This sounds like a great class. I would definitely be interested in attending, if only I lived in the area!
    Hope everything goes well!

    1. Jayna, I wish you were in the area as well! If I am able to get enough interest to hold a class, I may consider doing Skype sessions. It won’t be quite as beneficial as being in a live setting, but it will at least provide the opportunity to pick up some signs!

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