Self Check-up
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So at the beginning of this year, I made a promise that to myself that I would be the best Bree that I could be and I went about making a Vision board for 2013. I took ideas and quotes that I found on Pinterest that spoke to me and made a collage of what I felt needed to be done over the next 365 days.
Since today is the first day of summer (wow – the year is really flying by) I thought I’d do a self “check-up” to see how I’ve been doing on these visions of becoming the best version of me. So let’s take a look at my board…
Hmm…patience and relinquishing control, that’s still a tough one…especially when I still have so many questions for what my future holds and as I continue to take notice of this naked left-ring finger of mine.
Exercise…well I’m definitely on that kick (who knew!) as I’m now down 15 lbs since mid-May and loving every minute of doing Zumba. This is one thing that I WILL continue to do for the betterment of Bree!
I’ve also managed to think more positively this year than I think I have in awhile. I still tend to stress and worry about things that shouldn’t require as much focus as I give them, but I can honestly say that I am much happier than I’ve been in some time. Maybe it’s the exercise, maybe it’s my faith; whatever it is…I’m enjoying it!
Dressing nicer…well today, I’ve got it going on, but other days I probably should have someone call up “What Not to Wear” to force me into a better wardrobe. Working for an engineering firm with nearly all men and a relaxed dress code has not done my wardrobe any favors. Then again, I haven’t done myself many favors of becoming so careless about my appearance. I do have a cute, new haircut that I love and I’ve received so many compliments on (from even strangers…at Target!) so maybe I should dress to match my hair??
Unfortunately business has not been what it was in the past and numbers are way down so far this year – so that means that extra money to set aside for big trips is a no go at this time. Hopefully I can figure a way to get customers to take me up on my services – graphic design and teaching Sign Language – which will help pad my pocketbook a bit more over time.
And then there’s this confidence stuff. Yea, I saved it for last, even though it is prominently displayed, more than once on my Vision board. This is something that I face every day. It’s something that has eaten away at me since I was 10 and has caused me to miss out on a lot of different opportunities because it was “easier” to just stay at home where it was “safe”. I say it was easier because at the time of the decision, it seemed like the better option, in order to avoid a risky situation, even though later on I would tend to regret my choice to miss out on an opportunity that probably would have been a lot of fun. I’m tired of living this tightly controlled and isolating life. I’m tired of self-doubt winning and I’m tired of the whispers that I’m not good enough and will never be.
I went ahead and purchased the book because after reading the first chapter (found on Renee Swope’s website), I know that this is the first step that I need to take to face the light. Also while on her site, I came across another opportunity and this is what I’m going to use to kick-start my journey to a more confident Bree.Do you want to join me in losing the weight of discouragement and self-doubt? Renee is offering a FREE “7-day Doubt Diet.” Just click here to enter your information in her sidebar, and you’ll receive a week’s worth of devotions. Let me know so we encourage one another along the way.
So to wrap up my self “check-up”, I think I’ve done pretty well in working toward achieving the goals that I set at the first of this year. There’s always room for improvement, so I’m going to take that room and I’m going to fill it with confidence!