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Day Eleven // For the Love

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Chapter 13: Jesus Kids – Pages 86-95

A lot of times as adults we get annoyed by the constant questions that kids have.  Let’s face it, if you’ve ever been the leader of a child group, a babysitter, or are a mother, you have heard how many questions can come from a child’s mouth within a short period of time.  

How many times do we shut down these questions or think they are irrelevant?

For me, this is quite often. I have a four-year-old and an almost two-year-old.  My four-year-old has hit the famous “why” stage.  She doesn’t just ask “why” but instead asks, “why is he sad?” or “why did his grandpa say no?” But let me tell you, when you are trying to get through a bedtime story as quickly as possible, answering that type of question for every single page is just downright obnoxious.

“We cannot be more committed to our methods than our message.” {For the Love}

Jen gives us some crazy scary statistics in this chapter, that 80% of youth will turn away from the church by age 29.  WHAT!?!  What is going on?  Why are our children turning away from God?

“Do we want to raise disciples?  Then pay attention to what isn’t working as much as what is.”  {For the Love}

I know that at the age of four, my child doesn’t have too many in depth questions as far as the church is concerned.  She attends, she learns about God and she gets to play with her friends and see her parents engage in conversation with other adults.  

But isn’t it easier to treat her questions with respect and let her know that how she feels, and what she wants to talk about is important now, while she is young, than try and change this when she is older? Why would she ever trust my words, when my actions have never given my words any value.

“So the next generation might know them – even the children not yet born – and they in turn will teach their own children.  So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands.” – Psalm 78:6-7

So whether you have children, are a teacher, a babysitter, or however you encounter the children of today I challenge you to  stop and listen to what they are saying and asking.  Engage with them. Let them know they are important.  You never know what life you can change by just simply lending an ear for the youth to be heard.

What is one way you can model Christ to our youth, today?

[divider] [row-start] [three-fourths]Becky Honore is a princess warrior who fights the everyday battles with a bottle of essential oils and has a passion to encourage women.

You can connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.[/three-fourths] [one-fourth]Rebecca Honore[/one-fourth] [row-end]

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