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Making a Personal Connection with Scripture

Modern Girl’s Guide to Bible Study
Ch. 8: Discovering Your Amazing Personal Connection with Scripture (Pg. 131-152)

Ladies, thank you for joining us as we wrap up Jen’s book, “A Modern Girl’s Guide to Bible Study”.

I’ve really enjoyed reading this book. Its pages have contained some of the most honest, yet difficult questions that we need to think about during our personal study, as we begin to connect with Christ through Scripture.

With each turn of the page, it’s like I’ve gotten to know Jen on a more personal level, it’s almost as if I’m standing in her kitchen with a warm cup of coffee in hand, watching the moments of her life unfold before me.

The Bible is just like that; an invitation to know Jesus in a way we never thought possible.

Scripture of the Week

“But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may observe it.  See, I have set before you today life and prosperity.”  (Deuteronomy 30:14-15)

Every person we come into contact with forever changes our lives – for better or for worse.

Each relationship we encounter requires communication and some listening of course. In time we begin to find a sort of common ground; a story and a history that brings us together right where we are.

Relationships are what help make the world go around. Can you imagine what life would be like without them? It’s a daunting thought.

But before coming to Scripture, we need to be sensitive to the fact that our hearts are deceitful.

We cannot come to God’s Word expecting to be refined and intimately joined into the union of Christ from our own doing. It has to be in our “un-doing” that will set our feet on the straight and narrow and after God’s own heart.

“The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. But the man who loves God is known by God.”  (1 Corinthians 8:2-3)

How do we fall in love with God genuinely?

Through the Spirit.

“A sincere alliance with the Spirit will guard against this deception, but it must be a daily union.”  – Jen Hatmaker

We should always go to the Helper through prayer before studying Scripture. Lay all of your fears, doubts, and uncertainty with Him.

It’s astonishing how God’s Word has guided, corrected, and brought hope to a BIG sinful world, and this same book can bring the very same principles into your own life.

Questions to Explore in Personal Scripture Study

As we journal through Scripture, Jen asks us to consider some of these important questions:

  • Did this passage raise a question for you?
  • Did you connect with this Scripture because of a specific life experience?
  • Did this passage stir up conviction in your heart?
  • Is this particularly meaningful to you for a reason?
  • Is God saying something specifically to youtoday?
  • What truth can be found in this passage?

“At the end of the day, God wants all our efforts in the Word to lead us to Him.”  – Jen Hatmaker

Dear friends, God’s Word is a love-letter revealing His compelling desire to be in relationship with us. Diligently and obediently studying Scripture will draw us into wonderful communication and a better understanding of our loving creator.

Are you ready to know of the intimacies that await you in personal Scripture study? The grace and love that will envelop you? The truths that will forever change you?

Weekly Challenge

My challenge to you tonight is to come to the Spirit through prayer. Asking Him to be your Encourager, Advisor, Teacher, and Provider; that He would create a desire of obedience in your day to day life.  Ask for a submissive heart and mind to allow Christ to transform your life through Scripture.

Please share your experience of how God is using His word to transform your life and/or how the Holy Spirit it interceding in your life as you call on Him to guide you. Remember to use #moderngirlbiblestudy and #intentionalfilling.

Join the Discussion

Take a few minutes this week and answer these questions in our comments below.

This is a great opportunity for you to personally consider how you commune with God and what approaches would allow you to dig deeper into that relationship.  It is also a great way for you to learn from the other women who are also on this journey.

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  1. Since beginning this study I have started to journal with my daily Bible reading and study. It has helped me to dig deeper and engage more in the what I am reading or studying. Using these questions will boost it even more. The things that I have learned from this book have changed the way that I read and study the Bible forever.

  2. – To me, It means to be in relationship with him, to know him, to hear him in whichever format he chooses to speak.
    – I honestly feel closest to the Lord during times of worship, when I’m able to let all other thoughts go, allow myself to be free from distractions, and just sing to him. I also feel close to him when I’m having overwhelming feelings of brokenness and/or despair. I can incorporate this into my daily time with him by playing worship music while I study and/or by opening up my time with Him by signing a song of worship.
    – It has become more alive and meaningful.

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