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Mountains Move

I’ve missed you.  I have been wanting to talk with you.  I’ve wanted to update you.  I just didn’t have the words yet to tell you how things have changed over the last month.

My friend, have you ever faced the fires of hell and stood so close that you could feel the heat of the flames upon your face?  I’ve not only faced them, but walked through them; the hot embers sticking to my feet, and the scorching tongues of fire licking at my heels.

But a water was sent to quench the fire that threatened to consume me.  It soothed the burns and satisfied the thirst that ached deep within.

That water was alive.  It breathed life into me and set me free from the flames.  And it asked for nothing in return.

My faith was so little, barely breathing.  It was like a flag that had gotten caught in the midst of a battle; tattered and torn.  There were scorch marks from the flames, but it waved as a sign of surrender.

And the mountain moved, so quickly that I had a hard time accepting the results of its quick traverse.  I stood in the valley of its absence and fought to stand firm as the flood of wave after wave washed over me.

Empty hands I raised slowly, the dirt had washed off through the cleansing.  They still shook as I held them high and asked for the water to cleanse my heart too.

‘Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’ – Matthew 17:20

Lessons learned.  Tears shed.  Hugs and sighs.  Pain and sorrow. Weeping and laughter.  Release and relief.  Healing and scars.

It’s been a month of so much growth that the growing pains have bent me into a form that I hardly recognize in comparison to the woman I faced in the mirror a little over a month ago.  It’s a good form, one that I’m learning to accept.

The shattered pieces of my self have been put back together with a glue that only God knows how to wield.

[Tweet “The shattered pieces have been put back together with a glue that only God knows how to wield.”]

It’s time to stand up, to step forward and to start living again.  And dreaming.  And doing.

And I’m going to do it with a deeper understanding that even small faith can move mountains.

How is God moving mountains in your life?

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  1. I appreciate so much how you worded this! I feel like , right now, i am in the midst of the flames but am feeling – a small spatter at a time – the cleansing water. It is indeed a relief to know that He is there. and welcome back to blogging and to Peony Project!

    1. Laura, my heart aches for you to know that you’re experiencing the heat of the flame, but I promise that there is healing on the other side. Keep running towards that living water. And thank you for your sweet welcome home! Be blessed, my sister!

  2. Praise God that Jesus is not intimidated by our problems and carries our burdens for us. I believe that in this you are being perfected to ensure that you lack nothing. Praying for peace and perseverance in this season.

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