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Framing Faith by Matt Knisely {Review}

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What a racket!  With Facebook notifications popping up, incoming email chirps, and the artificial sounds of keys tapping away as you respond to the 337th text message of the day; it’s become a cacophony of noises that we lump together into a muddied soundtrack of our lives.How do we slow the orbit, quiet the noise, and begin centering our lives?

Framing Faith by Matt Knisely {Book Review} by www.imperfectvessel.com


It’s frighteningly beautiful what technology has done for us. It has brought us closer together and further apart.But in Framing Faith, Matt Knisely reminds us that though it is community that we were built for, it is not the community that can be found through the inter web. It is through face to face, heart to heart interactions that we can learn, grow and shape the future of not only our lives, but others around us.

“History is a collection of our stories, as humankind, from which we learn, grow, be entertained, feel inspired, and ultimately feel a connection to those who have gone before us and lived lives worth remembering.” — Matt Knisely, Framing Faith

Framing Faith is a beautiful reminder of the terrifying beauty of this crazy thing called life.  We’re constantly plugged in; constantly missing the events of our lives as our eyes are glued to a screen instead of gazing around at the world we’re in.He reminds us to unplug. He reminds us to live in the moment. He reminds us to make that raw, tangible contact.  He reminds us that it is in the subtle moments of life that faith happens.  And He reminds us that it’s worth the effort to look up and take note of life around us.

via http://on.fb.me/1llnP39
Through Matt’s careful selection of words, he challenges us in a way that feels safe. He encourages and guides us to conclusions that there is much more to life than how many likes, shares and followers you have.He inspires each of us to step outside of the attention and approval seeking ways we’ve grown accustomed to and he has provided motivation to help us to rewrite our own history.

He helps us live a centered life and have a fullness of faith.  And he has framed both of these with the precision of a well trained photo-journalist and theologian.

*This post may include affiliate links.  Please read the policies for full disclosure.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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