Currently {Volume Nine}
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Listening to // In my daily driving to and from work, KLOVE has this knack for playing at least one of five songs that I’ve already heard in the 30 minutes I’ve been in the car that day. I love KLOVE dearly, but sometimes it’s best to turn off the radio and jam to some of the 90s and early 2000s music on my iPod (even if it makes me feel like a dinosaur)!
Watching // The Doctor! “Who”, you say? And I respond, “EXACTLY”! If you haven’t guessed it, I’m about as nerdy as they come, especially when it comes to TV shows from the BBC! My brother effectively turned me into a Whovian around Christmastime last year. It’s been exciting to watch the new regeneration and how Peter Capaldi is taking on the role!
Praying // For clarity and guidance in a few opportunities that have arisen. Praying that I might seek God’s will and desire for me, no matter what I feel on the answer He provides.
Planning // Now that my family has moved my grandma’s possessions from her home since she’s now settled in a nursing home, we’re all desperately trying to find a way to incorporate large pieces of furniture into our already filled homes.
I’m trying to pull out some inspiration from The Nesting Place (available today on Kindle for only $1.99) and utilize some of the items in ways that are creative, but also super functional. Here’s to assembling a home rather than filling a house!
Oh and I’m also trying to remain inspired/motivated to keep at this organization and simplification of my wardrobe and possessions. I’ve already emptied one closet, with it’s contents spilling out over the bed, floor and desk in the guest room. It might make me cry, or scream, or want to pull my hair out!?! Gotta pare down!
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My favorite thing about my blog is how God inspires me to write. Especially in times of hardship, it seems my words flow more freely. In trying to encourage others, I find I encourage myself along the way.
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I just happened to link my Currently post right after yours at A Mama Collective! Thanks for spotlighting my little space in this big world of the web. Love you girl!
You are most welcome, Tiffany! Much love right back atcha! 🙂
My husband is on the last few episodes of Dr Who on Netflix. I tried but I could not get into it!
Ok, I admit when I was glancing through my comments, I thought you wrote that your husband was IN the last few episodes of Dr. Who. How exciting would that be!?! But it’s still pretty exciting that he’s a whovian as well, but I know that it’s not for everyone. Way to go for trying! 🙂
I use the same planner and I love it! :0)
Elise, I love mine too! It’s really great to be able to flip it open and know exactly what I need to be working on and there’s plenty of room to organize what I need to keep track of during the month.