
Currently {volume eight}

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Currently {volume eight} - www.imperfectvessel.com

— Sunset over the valley —
Thinking about… Growing up, most of my friendships were ones I made in church.  Though over the years we’ve all moved at one time or another and seem to have gone our separate ways, but recently I learned that no matter the distance or the time between face-to-face encounters, we’re still family!

A dear friend of the family and one in whom I grew up with, singing songs about Jesus and attending VBS with each summer, recently learned just how precious life is and also just how quickly it can be taken away.  Jessie was blessed to give birth to her third child on her own birthday.  And then tragedy struck and her husband was whisked away to the Lord just 2 days later.  I cannot begin to imagine the roller coaster of emotions she is experiencing with the arrival of a sweet little girl and the departure of the man she loves.  

So I ask, if you have any spare prayers, please send one up for her and her family.  Not only do they need these prayers for the present, but for the future. And if God should lay it on your heart, I and the whole family would be so grateful for any donation you might be willing to give in order to help Jess through this time.  Thank you!  

Reading… I’m finally back on track in my reading and I’m loving it!  I’ve actually completed four books in the last three weeks!  I’m starting a new one today and looking forward to sharing some reviews on these and a few more that are on their way to me in the coming weeks.  I’m also considering a new addition here to the blog as well…which leads me into what I’m praying about.

Praying over… A friend and strong supporter of The Imperfect Vessel asked me a few weeks ago if I had ever considered leading a book study via the blog.  I told her that I had thought about it, especially since I’m now planning on sharing some of my favorite (and not-so-favorite) reads with you going forward.  But then I also admitted that I was afraid that I don’t have the following to make this thing worthwhile.  She’s been very encouraging despite my doubts, so I’m lifting it up to God.

A recent release, and a book that I just finished reading, has been really inspiring for me. I think its message would be a great addition to your bookshelf and your heart.

Will you consider praying with me to see if this is the right time and selection for this kind of opportunity?

Listening to… I turned on YouTube last week to listen to a song from Francesca Battistelli before sharing it for Wednesday in the Word on FB and I found that many of her other songs are really speaking to my heart and what I’m encountering in my current walk.

Watching… I haven’t done a whole lot of Netflixing (is that a word?) lately. However, I have been enjoying mom & dad’s cable and the ability to watch Suits on USA and Switched at Birth on ABC Family.  Though I’m definitely looking forward to Dr. Who (yes, I’m a Whovian and proud of it!) returning on the 23rd!

Thankful… For the opportunity that I had to go out Friday evening and spend with a dear friend, whose friendship has been neglected for far too long!  It’s hard when your life is topsey-turvey and she’s married with two little ones, but it is definitely worthwhile keeping a friend who knows more about you than what shows on the surface.  The Mexican food, fro-yo, crazy conversational topics and laughter were just what I needed!


  • Planning on getting my bathroom repainted (Woohoo!)
  • Planning to pack up clothes/un-used items/TV to give to those in need
  • Wishing for good weather for my mom’s birthday, coming up next Friday!
  • Planning on getting my closets organized and clothes sorted by season
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