
Why You’re Not Seeing My Blog Posts

We’re here to help you learn and grow, so naturally, we share affiliate links for products that we use and love. When you click on one of these links, we will earn a small amount of money, at no additional cost to you, which we’ll use towards keeping the lights on here! You can read our full disclaimer here.

Did you know that I posted a new blog post nearly every day in the month of November? Did you also know that I’ve posted six reader’s favorites posts in the month of December?  Haven’t seen all of them?  I’m not surprised.
Why You're Not Receiving My Newest Blog Posts (Facebook) - breething.com


The Facts

It appears to be official, Facebook’s most recent changes means that you will now see less updates from me (and any other pages that you follow) on your Newsfeed.  Why you ask?  Because they want owners of fan pages to pay to promote posts.  Now Facebook is a business and I believe whole-heartedly that they have the right to do with their service as they see fit.  However, want to know how much they’re asking?  

[ Screen shot from 12/13/2013 ]

Since I currently have 52 followers on my Facebook page, the minimum I am being asked to pay is $5 to ensure that all 52 see the content.  And that’s PER POST!  

Consider the fact that it’s not even the middle of the month yet and I’ve posted 6 popular blog posts.  If I chose to boost these to ensure everyone viewed them, I’d have to spend $30.  Ok, not too bad, but I plan to post at least ten more times this month – that brings it to $80 just for this month — to provide information to people who have acknowledged that they want to receive my FREE content.

On top of that, if I promoted all of my blog posts for last month, 40 posts, I would have had to shell out $200!  And that doesn’t include the extraneous posts that I share that include pictures and inspiring quotes.

So obviously I’m a little frustrated.

I believe in complete transparency through this mission I’ve started, so here are my statistics for the last month…

Since November I’ve seen my traffic rates drop drastically.  Yes, I’m still getting decent rates of viewers, but considering I was in the upper 300’s, 400’s and 500’s within the last month, more than 200 views at the first of the month (coinciding with the changes of Facebook) is a little disheartening.

And for a bit more transparency, here is the total reach of the number of people who have seen my shared content on Facebook over the last month.  DISLIKE!

The Reaction

I want to inspire people to become better versions of themselves through reading the content that I share and how do I reach the people that are down on their luck, feeling as though they are not worthy of God’s love or that of another earthly being?  Through free content.

So I will NOT pay Facebook to share my content with my supporters-followers-friends-family.  But I still want to you to be able to freely access the content that I am sharing numerous times throughout the week. So how can we make this happen?

The Solution

I need you to help me help you and select one of the two options below.  Props go to those who do both!

  • Make changes to your Facebook account to ensure that you’re seeing the content (for now)
  • Sign up for my FREE Mailing List to have future posts sent directly to your email inbox

Here’s how…

Facebook Fixes:

  1. Go to Breething’s Page
  2. Go to the top right of the page and under the gear icon make sure you have selected “Show in Newsfeed”. 
  3. Then drag your mouse over the “Liked” button and a drop-down menu will appear.  Click on the option, “Settings” and a new menu will appear where you can change it to “All Updates”, to see all future posts.
  4. Cross your fingers that they’ll be no more changes and this will work!

Join My Mailing List:

Sign up for my email based newsletter and RSS feed.

I promise not to spam you, but only provide you with the content that is viewed here at Breething.com, and a monthly newsletter that tells about what to look for in upcoming posts, tips on how you can move towards the best version of you and insight on when upcoming giveaways will take place!  

Check out November’s newsletter for an example.

Ready to start receiving updates as soon as the posts hit the blog?  Signing up is super easy!  Just fill out the form below and click “Subscribe”.

The last thing you’ll need to do is add my email to your contacts, especially if you use Google Mail since they tend to end up in your promotions tab now.  
Add breethingblog{at}gmail{dot}com – using the appropriate symbols (@ and . ) of course!

Subscribe to my mailing list

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So to all 52 followers on Facebook (as of 12/13/2013) who have acknowledged that you wish to you be informed about what free content I’m sharing, thank you for your continued support.  I’m sorry that the method in which you have chosen to follow Breething is not as reliable as we had once hoped, but I hope that you will continue to seek me out so you may go forward in receiving inspiring thoughts of how to become the best version of yourself!

Be blessed!


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