Operation Christmas Child
Now that Halloween is over, I feel much more comfortable preparing my heart, mind, and shopping list for Christmas.
And this year’s preparation begins with the packing of shoeboxes that will be sent halfway around the world to a child whose face or name I may never know. It’s Operation Christmas Child, a program started by Samaritan’s Purse over twenty years ago!
Will you join me in this beautiful mission of providing hope and love to children in need? Read more for gift ideas…
When the time comes each year to pack shoeboxes for these children, I always select two, one for a boy and one for a girl. Maybe it’s the OCD coming out in me, but I also enjoy the challenge.
Need a shoebox to send? Get one here!
Gifts for a Girl
Gifts for girls are usually pretty easy to come by, but it takes a little organization in order to get all of those hair bows and ribbons to fit in with other essential items.
Click on the image for some great ideas! You can Pin this image for future reference and then proceed on to the source of 100 shoe box ideas for a girl, prepared by SeeJamieBlog.com.
Also, be sure to see more great ideas for essentials for both boys and girls in this message below.
Gifts for a Boy
Little boys are such a joy to shop for. Finding toy cars, planes, and action figures and packing them with other essential items make me wonder what sound effects they’ll make as they play with these toys in the streets of their homes.
Click on the image for some great ideas for boys! You can Pin this image for future reference and then proceed on to the source of several shoe box ideas for a boy, prepared by Pacountrycrafts.com.
Also, be sure to see more great ideas for essentials for both boys and girls in the message below.
Great Ideas for Both!
Though toys and hard candy are sure to be favorites for every child, we need to consider some essential items that could benefit their lives in other ways. Consider using these ideas in your boxes this year.
This is a great idea – Reusable wrapping! Our church provided cardboard shoe boxes, but these could always be placed inside plastic shoe boxes. Instead of using tissue paper to cover the surprises inside, consider using a handkerchief, scarf, or a thin blanket (that won’t take up too much room), that can be reused by the child!
No matter where your box ends up, children can use personal hygiene items. A great idea would be a washcloth/bar of soap combo. Either take a small store-bought washcloth and secure a button to one end and a small loop of elastic to the other, or crochet one.
This idea touched my heart. Trace a child’s (or your own) hand on the lid of the box, and inside the tracing, write, “Put your hand on mine and we can pray together.” I will definitely be including a tracing in my hand, as a special letter to the little boy & girl receiving my boxes.
The child receiving your gift may live in an area where they must travel many miles to collect water or food. They may have never owned a pair of shoes. Many stores have bargain bins full of flip flops come fall, so consider picking up a pair or two to include in your boxes. More than one will give them the option to keep one for themselves & allow them to give one away as well.
Here’s my list (with links to purchase), including pictures of items that I used to pack my box, as well as additional ideas of how to get your box started.
Go to Update – https://intentionalfilling.com/operation-christmas-child-update/
I love doing Operation Christmas Child. Will be doing it again this year!!
Me too, Amy! What are some of your favorite items to pack?