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Giving Thanks: Printable #1

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Through the remainder of the month, I thought it would be fun to provide you some FREE printables (is that a word?) that will help you prepare your heart and mind for giving thanks for the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us throughout the year.  Print these to carry in your purse, post around your desk at work, your bathroom mirror, wherever you will see them this week to remind you to be mindful and give thanks.Below are six images that include scriptures about giving thanks, no matter the circumstance.


Pin this image (drag your mouse over the picture) or Download and Print.
Why only six images if I’m doing this for each week?  I want to challenge you to come up with your own on day seven of each week.  Crack open your Bible and start searching for verses that speak to your heart and that remind you to give thanks each day.  Don’t have a Bible?  Search for keywords and phrases using this site.

Want more?  Click here to download my 2nd Free Printable.

What verses come to mind when you consider giving thanks for all that you have received?

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