Day Two // The Best Yes
The Way of the Best Yes /Chapter 2 – Pages 7 to 18
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[divider type=”dotted” color=”gray”]Today’s post comes to us from the host of The Intentional Filling, Bree Blum.
[divider type=”dotted” color=”gray”]Falling in love. It’s like walking on air. You feel lighter and more alive. Every sense is heightened and your heart skips a beat at just the thought of this special someone. Your heart aches in their absence and you crave the time to spend together.
It’s time to get real. When was the last time you felt this way about Jesus?
I am so easily distracted. I was never tested for Attention Deficit Disorder and I’ve never been made to take Ritalin, but I know that I don’t do well focusing on one task for a long period of time. I’m a natural multi-tasker, always with five or more tabs open in my web browser, and multiple projects in various phases charted on my to-do list.
I have three college degrees and yet I’m working in a field that falls outside of all three. I have run three of my own businesses, each in vastly different areas of service. Let’s say, I like to keep my options open.
You may say that I’m someone like Lysa’s daughter, one that doesn’t want to miss out on the best choice, so I don’t settle on just one, except when it comes to relationships. Romantic relationships that is.
I have kissed my fair share of frogs and I am still waiting for my Prince Charming to break down and ask directions (because I am certain he has gotten lost somewhere along the way). But through it all, I have always remained focused on “my guy”. Sometimes to a fault.
I’ve been cheated on by more than one schmuck, even though I was all, “here’s my heart, it’s your’s”. I made time for these guys. I often provided more stability than they could (or were willing to) offer, and still somehow, I allowed my heart to skip a beat or two when they were around.
And then there’s this one guy who loves me more than life itself. In truth, He loves me so much that He willingly carried His death sentence upon His shoulders as He climbed a mountain. A mountain that would become saturated in His blood, because His love is so overwhelming. And He accepted all of the punishment that I so deserve because I daily deny the love He offers.
I don’t wake up in the morning intending to sin. I don’t wake up in the morning intending to forget about all that Jesus has done for me, but I do wake up every morning and press snooze instead of opening my tired eyes to read His word and spend time talking with Him.
But there’s hope for people like me, ones who are often distracted; ones that often refuse to listen or run ourselves ragged trying to achieve our own righteousness. If we stop, but for a moment, we can see that this race of life is not God’s design. It is not His best for us.
His best is when we open our hearts to His second (of twenty-second) chance to experience an unbroken companionship with Him; being aware of our surroundings and ever mindful of the opportunities He places before us to thrive and to reach His people.
“Don’t miss this. Unbroken companionship helps us hear His instruction so then we can see His direction.” – Lysa TerKeurst
So I challenge you to wake up tomorrow morning with a new prayer on your heart. It’s a simple prayer, one that can easily be uttered as you lay in bed, groggy from sleep. But it’s a prayer that you need to remember to open your eyes and wake up to:
Dear Lord,
I ask that You go alongside me today. Provide the gentle nudge when I am face to face with an opportunity that I could extend Your love and grace. I love you Jesus and it is in Your name that I pray.
[divider type=”dotted” color=”gray”]Will you allow this prayer to become one of your best yeses so that Jesus may become more present in the goings on of your life?
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