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All Things New

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“Once upon a time” has been in our vocabularies since before many of us could even walk.  We’ve been fascinated with stories; often projecting ourselves into the narratives and living out the adventures alongside our favorite characters.

From cover to cover of the Golden Book series or the hand-me-down copies of the classics like Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz, or The Chronicles of Narnia; these collections of words have transformed our childhoods (or adulthoods – no judgment here) and helped us to learn valuable lessons about ourselves and how to treat others.

Today, as a woman in her thirties, I am still enthralled by a good story.  These stories tend to have a bit more substance and the characters are better developed, but the type of lessons are relatively the same.

Each of us are a culmination of stories, a messy collection of triumphs and mishaps that make up a beautifully unique individual.  And these stories are powerful and oh-so important.  Even the ones that bring more tears than smiles.

Over the last year, leading online book studies with the online community here at The Imperfect Vessel, God has revealed the power of vulnerability and authenticity in sharing our individual stories.  It has often been in those moments of raw emotion, that we find those welcoming connections through the “me too” moments.

If you’ve spent any time here at The Imperfect Vessel, you may have noticed some changes that have taken place over the last few days.  A new look and focus is forming and so I wanted to take a moment to welcome you in to what the future holds for this space.

Here at The Imperfect Vessel you will find that the central focus is on finding purpose in the imperfections of our individual stories because there is such freedom found in surrendering the not-so-glamorous portions of oneself to the only One who is perfect.

As a “recovering perfectionist” I know full well that relinquishing control is not an easy task, therefore the site is now laid out in a three-fold fashion to support you in your acts of obedience to God:

    In this space, you will continue to find inspirational stories that lend guidance and encouragement in the difficult days and also celebrate the triumphs of Christ in the mundane.
    I have such a passion for women coming together, therefore this space will see a clearer focus on community; to foster a closer relationship with a generation of women who understand the struggles of living in a world of impossible standards, and to extend loving support, grace and encouragement one another in our individual/collective walk with Christ.
    In order to further our connection as a community and to develop a stronger relationship with Christ, our online book studies will be adopting a more Biblically-centered approach.

The Community

In the past I have held very tightly to the online community, The Intentional Filling, only allowing it to grow as far as the number of women who have registered for each of our online book studies.  While this approach was beneficial to the present group, it excluded others who had previously shown interest.

Starting Thanksgiving Day, The Intentional Filling will be utilizing an open Facebook group, where women who are interested in coming together to receive weekly encouragement and the opportunity to connect with others from different narratives, will also learn the importance of their own story and a place to belong.


Online Book Studies

I’m excited to announce that registration is open for ALL of our 2016 online book studies.  That’s right, you don’t have to wait until the month before the study is set to begin!

We have all of our studies lined up and ready for you…

[row-start] [one-third][/one-third] [two-thirds]Winter 2016 Study
A Modern Girl’s Guide to Bible Study
, by Jen Hatmaker
This 6 week study is for today’s busy women, offering advice on how to get the most from personal Bible study time, in a way that will radically change the way you interact with Scripture forever. [button url=”http://imperfectvessel.com/winter-2016″ color=”black” size=”small” type=”round” target=”_blank” rel=”publisher” class=”custom” title=”Winter 2016 Study” display=”block”]Pre-register For This Study[/button][/two-thirds] [row-end] [row-start] [one-third][/one-third] [two-thirds]Spring 2016 Study
Keep It Shut
, by Karen Ehman
This 6 week study is a book about a woman whose mouth has gotten her into loads of trouble shares the hows (and how-not-tos) of dealing with the tongue.  Learn what to say and how to say it. What not to say. When it is best to remain silent.[button url=”http://imperfectvessel.com/spring-2016″ color=”black” size=”small” type=”round” target=”_blank” rel=”publisher” class=”custom” title=”Spring 2016 Study” display=”block”]Pre-Register For This Study[/button][/two-thirds] [row-end] [row-start] [one-third][/one-third] [two-thirds]Fall 2016 Study
, by Angie Smith
This 8 week study covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture.[button url=”http://imperfectvessel.com/fall-2016″ color=”black” size=”small” type=”round” target=”_blank” rel=”publisher” class=”custom” title=”Fall 2016 Study” display=”block”]Pre-Register For This Study[/button][/two-thirds] [row-end]

I’m beyond excited to see how God chooses to move within this place in the coming year.  I’m beyond excited to see what mountains He moves for you.  And I’m beyond excited for the opportunity to get to know you and your story!

“Our firm decision is to work from this focused center: One man died for everyone. That puts everyone in the same boat. He included everyone in his death so that everyone could also be included in his life, a resurrection life, a far better life than people ever lived on their own.

Because of this decision we don’t evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don’t look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons!  – 2 Corinthians 5:15-17 (MSG)

[divider] [row-start] [three-fourths]Bree Blum is just your average single thirty-something book loving, oil using, cardigan wearing blogger who loves Jesus.

You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.[/three-fourths] [one-fourth][/one-fourth] [row-end]

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