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A Call to Action: Week One

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Did you come to the blog today to find my typical inspiring post based after what I’m learning from my online Bible study, through Proverbs 31 Ministries? 

Sorry to disappoint but for the next few weeks, I’ll be taking a different approach as I tackle the Made to Crave: Action Plan (M2C-AP), as I have accepted a call to action in making some much needed changes in my life.  I’d love for you to join me in my journey in relying more heavily on God for strength and motivation to continue a diet of healthy eating and exercise. 
For the next 6 weeks, you’ll find a scripture for you to pin or share on social media, as a reminder of the call to action Christ provides for each of us, to empty ourselves and become better versions of who we are, through Him.  I’ll also be sharing some additional quotes and scriptures from the weekly reading I’m doing that have convicted me and that I hope will inspire YOU!

Scriptures & Thoughts to Inspire (from M2C-AP):

  • “God is asking us to go to a new place.  We have a physical indication of a spiritual situation.  We are spiritually underweight and physically overweight.  Made to Crave is about learning to crave God more than we crave food.”
  • Seek first his kingdom…and all these things will be added [given] to you. 
    Matthew 6:33 NASB
  • The Greek word for “seek” is zeteo (dzay-teh?-o).  It means “to crave”.

Five principles for healthy eating and weight loss:

  • Add fish (omega-3s)
  • Increase fiber
  • Exercise
  • Reduce calories
  • Increase nutrient-rich fruits and veggies (polyphenols)

How to easily incorporate these 5 principles:

  • Instead of ordering chicken or beef when out, order grilled fish or add it to a salad.
  • Check out this great smoothie recipe (my favorite) that covers both #2 & #5!
  • Use MyFitnessPal in order to easily count calories – it’s user-friendly and FREE!

Want to join the Made to Crave: Action Plan?  Sign up here!

Note: Some of the links above are my affiliate links which means, at no additional cost to you, I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase. Thank you for your support in this way!

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