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Intentional Sacrifice: Learning How to Let Go

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Intentional Sacrifice: Learning How to Let Go {Reflections on Week Two of the Made to Crave OBS} - imperfectvessel.com
Do you ever find a word or message popping up in different places in your life?  Lately I have found that the word intentional and letting go have been following me! Creepers!But honestly, it’s almost as though God is standing beside me ringing bells, beating pots and pans, banging a gong, or whatever He has to do in order to try to get His point across that I need to intentionally let go of what has been holding me back.Luckily, it finally clicked today!

As irony would have it, this year I chose intentional as my focus word.  My thoughts in selecting it is that through effort this year that I will be able to begin living, loving, working and blogging more intentionally, with purpose and for the glory of God.
Also in the past two weeks, I have seen and heard about the song, Let it Go, from the movie, Frozen posted on social media numerous times, including two different ASL interpretations.  So last night I finally listened to it and WOW! what an incredible song (especially for young girls watching Disney movies!) and it’s been stuck in my head all day.
It reminds me that of all of the things that I have held back for so long, afraid to show my true self for fear of what others will say – that it’s time to LET GO!And as I read chapters 5-7 in Made to Crave for my Online Bible Study this week, the clashing cymbals of God sounded again!Though the book focuses on struggles with cravings over food, it also relates closely to other desires of the heart – such as craving acceptance and feeling loved, two things that I have sought after for so long.

I also have hung onto excuses and inexcusable reasons for not following through with different things, including maintaining a healthy weight, relationships and duties because I do not feel worthy or as though I am strong enough, good enough or talented enough to make it happen.  It’s time to let go of the excuses and start to live intentionally!

Lysa TerKeurst quote from Made to Crave - imperfectvessel.com

Some of the quotes offered in these chapters only caused the resonating sounds from the heavens, intentionally let go

“What is this truth?  We were made for more than this.  More than this failure, more than this cycle, more than being rules by taste buds.  We were made to find our way to that truth.” — Pg. 49

Making this connection – between being made for more and getting to know God better – helps this whole adventure be less about food and exercise and lifestyle choices and more about embracing a chance for a deep and wonderful connections with God.  And isn’t that the greatest part of being made for more?” — Pg. 54

“How do you grow close to God?”  “By making the choice to deny ourselves something that is permissible but not beneficial.  And making this intentional sacrifice for the sole purpose of growing closer to God.  After all Jesus Himself said, ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me’ [Luke 9:23].”
[Tweet “Intentionally let go of what you are so desperately holding onto; grab onto God instead!”]
And I leave you with yet another quote that popped up on my social media pages this week.  One that helps to drive it all home.
Quote by Lao Tzu via imperfectvessel.com

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  1. Thank you for this post! I love the journey you are on and will be praying for you as you walk through it! You speak to so many things I to need to let go of! Thank you for the encouragement!

    1. I’m thankful to have you go travel this journey together! Praying for the both of us that we may be able to encourage one another to let go of those things we cling so tightly to! We can do this…with His help!

  2. Great blog today! I am a big fan of the idea of being “made for more” and also tend to run into God’s clashing cymbals. 🙂
    Oh, also, I LOVE the Lao Tzu quote!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment, Sarah! Glad to know that I’m not the only one that seems to be stalked by these clashing cymbals! 🙂 Incredible quote huh? It’s amazing how a number of unrelated things can come together to bring about a realization – one that God’s been nudging at you all along!

  3. I have never seen this Intentionally letting go. I have had to have my share of this Intention as it cost me more than imagined. I have never had forgiveness and love as I have now. I will try to share with you my story and the daily overcoming and forgiveness of what has occurred. I didn’t ask for this, no one ever would. I will say that Godly is bigger than everything. Thank you for the support.

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