Day Fourteen // Make It Happen
My degree is in Elementary Education. I had the pleasure of teaching for a couple of years in various school districts and with a diverse group of students. Of all of the lessons that I taught, I learned quite a bit myself.
One lesson I learned was that no one, and I mean no one (teaching included) enjoys being evaluated on their progress!
How are you?
Evaluation requires vulnerability, it requires a deep examination of who we are and what we know. It’s not always a lot of fun, but in the field of education, it is inevitable.
But when it comes to growing in your faith or as a woman of God, evaluation is just as important. Just as it is important to periodically check on our route while taking a road trip, to make sure we’re on the right road and not heading in the wrong direction entirely, we need to stop and assess where we are in our personal journeys. It is through this pause that we’re able to determine if we’re making the the progress we had hoped to achieve and to plan ahead for the next leg of the journey, in order to move closer still towards the end goal and destination.
The great thing about this type evaluation is that you don’t have to do it alone. You can phone-a-friend and even ask-an-expert for advice! And the beautiful thing about being a part of this community, is that you already have these resources built in!
What a blessing it is that Jesus can be one of those friends we can call upon to help us with this deep analysis!
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. {Proverbs 19:20-21}
Today’s chapter concludes our reading assignment for the week to allow you plenty of time to really contemplate the questions that Lara asks:
- What has been working?
- What hasn’t been working?
- What are you afraid of?
- What season are you in?
Of course each of these questions are broken down to provide a more precise evaluation, so don’t just skim over them, spend some time really doing some reflecting and answer them as truthfully as you can.
And remember, once you have completed this evaluation, that’s not the end all, be all. This is only the beginning of preparing your heart and mind for big things to come!
A little music for the journey…
We’re all imperfect vessels, but the cross has made us flawless.
Supplies for the journey…
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