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Books & Blogs & Podcasts, Oh My!

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I know that I’m not the only one out there that is ready for a life that is worth living, a life that is full of joy, and a life that is spent with the partner God has chosen for us.  It’s a season for remembering the real reason for the season, but it’s also a season for reflection over the past year.  In my reflection, I have seen that there were some monumental experiences that have taken place in my life (my two-week trip to England with my brother) and some really low points (where I’ve questioned my ability to be a success in anything in life). I know that going forward, I need to look to the positive; live for Christ; live in the manner that Christ would choose for me to live; live knowing that I cannot make up for others short-comings, and live in a healthier and more responsible way.So I’ve collected a list of books to help me do just that…

PictureWhy You’re Not Married Yet: The Straight Talk You Need To Get The Relationship You Deserve – Tracy McMillan
I found this book on Amazon awhile ago and thought it might be something to look into.  It promises not to be about me.  It’s about designing a better YOU so that you’re ready when the right man comes along.  So I bought it and just started it last night.  It’s great!  Take Tracy’s
38 question quiz to see if you’re in need of this book too!

PictureReal Marriage: A Sermon Series About Jesus, The Gospel and Marriage – Mark & Grace Driscoll
After a blessed and inspiring evening catching up with a good friend, I went home and listened to the podcast entitled, Real Marriage upon her request.  I immediately fell in love with this couple and the message they were sending to couples on a spiritual level.  They’re blunt and get straight to the point about their imperfections and how they renewed a damaged marriage and their damaged selves through prayer, support, and love of one another.  This book/podcast is not just for married couples, it’s a guide for singles to in what to look for in a potential spouse and how marriage should work, when it’s the right time.  Download the Free Mars Hill App to listen to the 11 Sermon Series.
PictureThe Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness: The Path to True Christian Joy – Timothy Keller
In the Bible study that I used to attend, we watched a series by Timothy Keller entitled “The Reason for God” where he gathered people of all walks in life, as well as numerous religions or non-religions to discuss the myths of Christianity and to discuss their beliefs about those who follow Christ.  It was a real eye-opener and so I’ve purchased 2 copies of his book “The Meaning of Marriage” for two really influential Christian couples in my life.  During my search for the 2nd purchase, I came across this book, “Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness”.  It sounded interesting and from the reviews, exactly what I needed to hear.  An inspiring book from an inspiring pastor and only for $4.99.  I can’t wait to get it!

PictureCalm My Anxious Heart: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Contentment – Linda DillowWomen worry a lot. We worry about our children, our friends, our careers, our families, our spouses-the list could go on and on. Yes, we want to be content and trust God with our worries, but it’s a struggle to let go and free ourselves from the burden of anxiety. If you’re tired of worrying about all the “what-ifs” in your life and want to experience the calm and contentment promised in Scripture, Calm My Anxious Heart is what you’ve been looking for. Filled with encouragement and practical help for overcoming anxiety, this book includes a twelve-week Bible study to help you discover what the Bible says about contentment and ways to apply it to your daily life. With Calm My Anxious Heart you can let go of your anxiety and experience the contentment that comes from trusting God.  Buy now on Amazon!

Why am I sharing these resources?

I’m challenging myself to overcome 29 years worth of self-bashing and working towards another 29 years of self-forgetfulness, where I forget about what others think of me, forget about the negativity that I’ve lived with for so long, but instead remember that I have a life that God planned himself, one of great joy and love and peace.  I’m working towards a confidence in Bree.  I’m hoping that these resources can do the same for YOU!

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