The Gospel on the Ground Online Biblical Study - Orphans Find Sonship at the Table |
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Week Five | Orphans Find Sonship at the Table

“Since sin entered the world through forbidden food, coming together at the table transforms the prohibited into permissible. It turns the upside-down nature of sin right-side-up and causes food to unify us. It calls us back to a time before the fall and brings restoration through table companionship.”

6 Ways to Overcome Busyness & Remain R.O.O.T.E.D in the Word by Jennifer Elwood |
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6 Ways to Overcome Busyness and Remain R.O.O.T.E.D in the Word

“No matter what season I’m in, I need to make sure that I’m carving out time for Him! So, today I’m sharing 6 ways that I’m intentionally overcoming the busyness in my life and remaining firmly R.O.O.T.E.D. in the Word.”