Jesus, Geography & Pagan Land Claims - from the Along the Road Online Biblical Study |
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Jesus, Geography & Pagan Land Claims

“Jesus intentionally took His disciples on this “field trip” to the region of Caesarea Philippi, not to tell them a fictional story like Narnia, Peter Pan, or the Secret Garden, but to make sure that they knew His identity as the One True, real, and Living God!”

Jesus, Geography & Substitution - from the Along the Road Online Biblical Study |
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Jesus, Geography & Substitution

“Just as we read of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew 3 and 4, water stories and miracles in the Biblical narrative seem to be followed up with wilderness seasons, almost as if we’re called by God to take the thirst-quenching relief of the miracle forward into the difficult season that lay ahead, as a reminder to trust that He’ll provide even long after the water dries up.”

When the Words Catch Fire - Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus Online Biblical Study by Lois Tverberg | Intentional Filling
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Week Seven | When the Words Catch Fire

“It’s fascinating to recognize some of the Jewish roots within our modern Christian songs, and yet, we’ve been reminded again this week that there is a collective of people who are missing the Jewish roots of Judaism… and, at that right, Christianity.”